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Search Help? View by page Ca-Cz. Volume I, Adult endocrinology Clinical rounds in endocrinology. Volume II, Pediatric endocrinology — Congenital heart disease in pediatric and adult patients : anesthetic and perioperative management Congenital heart diseases in adults : imaging and diagnosis — Cytotoxic T-cells : methods and protocols Digital Chemical signals in vertebrates.
This well established international conference brings together leaders and students in the field of olfactory communication and chemical signaling of vertebrates to present new advances in their research as well as synopses of disparate areas under new angles. This volume is a collection of the proceedings of this meeting that covers a wide variety of topics in chemical ecology. Digital Access Springer Get Shareable Link.
View Details. Digital Chemical skin injury : mechanisms, prevention, decontamination, treatment. Summary : This book provides an up-to-date, compact but comprehensive review of chemical skin injuries, differentiating them from thermal skin burns. After an introductory chapter on the history of chemical skin injuries and the scope of the problem, the anatomy, histology, physiology, and immunology of normal skin are described.
Mechanisms involved in chemical penetration of normal skin are explained, and the effects of damaged skin on chemical penetration are analyzed. The remainder of the book discusses a variety of clinically relevant aspects, such as the different forms of chemical skin injury, including injuries that arise during skin peeling or due to hair products; preventive measures; emergency treatment; rinsing therapy; medical and surgical treatment; and the importance of providing relevant information to workers.