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To browse Academia. Atena Editora. Stroke, a process that poses great risks to life, is a phenomenon analyzed since the beginning of human history, but it worsened after the historical period called sedentary lifestyle, in which man ceases to be a nomad and starts to live fixed. From this perspective, research on stroke became more evident from the 20th century onwards, bringing several discoveries about the causes, aggravating factors and consequences of its action in the body.
In view of this question, the objective of the research is to demonstrate why the study and knowledge of the characteristic symptoms of a stroke can be essential to save several lives, not only in medical practice, but in the daily life of any human being.
Regarding the methodology, it is a qualitative study, based on bibliographic research and field study. The present research is justified by the fact that it will contribute to our medical performance in the health scenario, because through it the population will be able to prevent themselves and know how to act in the course of a situation similar to the case reported. Jose Calderon. Marlise Ribeiro. Stroke is the third leading cause of death worldwide. Those who survive are often left with disabilities that decrease quality of life and increase a need for institutional care.
The aim of this study was to assess the neurological deficit and identify the problem of the Cerebrovascular accident patients. Methods: A Descriptive research approach was used for the present study.