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Subject: Economic crisis and destitute citizens. Subject: Programmes to provide assistance to citizens. Subject: Drug trafficking through the Port of Antwerp. Subject: Environmental catastrophe in Livera, Kyrenia Cyprus. Subject: Alert mechanism for professional qualifications. Subject: Expropriation of Iberdrola subsidiaries by the Bolivian government. Subject: Suspension of Greece's voting rights.
Subject: Fragmentation of the European market. Subject: Uncontrolled entry of illegal Turkish settlers into the free areas of Cyprus. Subject: Economic crisis and the countries of southern Europe. Stassen to the Commission. Subject: Turkey will keep importing gas from Iran — regardless of EU sanctions. Subject: Benefits of the European patent for small and medium businesses. Subject: Toxic containers in European ports — health risk for workers and consumers.
Subject: VAT on equipment purchased by life-saving voluntary organisations. Subject: Comprehensive strategy for the defence sector. Subject: GHG emission reduction targets for Subject: The Turks destroying Greek Cypriot heritage.
Subject: The network character of rail transport. Subject: Market distortions in public passenger rail transport services. Subject: The use of biological resources of developing countries by the pharmaceutical industry.