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It can be best defined as the control, coercion and use of threats or violence to force a person to sell sex against their will for someone else's financial gain. Trafficking is constantly evolving in terms of who the victims are, who the traffickers are and where it happens. And while awareness of sex trafficking in Canada is growing, there is still a lot of work to do.
Many Canadians believe sex trafficking is only an international issue. In fact, most trafficking cases in Canada are domestic. It happens all over the country, in every community. Traffickers are both men and women. A recent report 3 indicates that traffickers are mostly males aged between 24 and 36 years old.
Female traffickers are mostly aged between 27 and 32 years old, albeit most were also victims and connected to male traffickers. Some movies depict trafficking victims as being physically detained, sometimes in chains.
However, this does not happen in the majority of cases. Victims can experience physical detainment but usually, traffickers use psychological, emotional, and financial manipulation to keep victims bound to them. Sex trafficking is founded on coercion and force. Rarely do victims see any of their earnings. Simply put, if sex work is forced or coerced for someone else's financial gain, it is sex trafficking.