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About Search. The President. Thank you very much. Let me begin with three comments. One, this is a busman's holiday for my colleagues I serve with. Thank you for being here. The worst thing to have to do is come in here another—pick your same party you agree with—your own party and hear somebody. It's above and beyond the call. And secondly, to all the kids here, I want to make clear: If nothing happens—after this is over, if you all come up, I'm going to give you some money to make your mom and dad to take you to Dairy Queen.
All right? You all think I'm kidding; I'm not. Can you imagine when you were 10 years old—"We're going to go spend the afternoon—we're going to get dressed to—come on, honey. Only thing that could be worse: You could—your mom or dad could be a President, then you would have to show up at all this stuff.
And the third thing I'd like to say is that—you know, one of the reasons I'm still—it may—it may hurt his reputation, but all kidding aside, one of the reasons why I am still in politics was because of a Maine guy named Ed Muskie.
Not a joke. I was 29 years old. I wasn't old enough to be sworn in. I had to wait until I could be sworn in. But I had to start to hire staff.