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It is taught in many of our schools, institutions of higher learning, corporations, governmental agencies and private institutions. Those who advocate for CRT claim it necessary to remediate America's history of racism and injustice. Their stated goal for racial justice is to bring "real change" in order to eliminate inequities in society. While the desire to eliminate equities in society comes across as admirable, the devil is always in the details.
The reality of CRT is quite frightening. Critical Race Theory is actually a racist ideology that is falsely promoted as a peer reviewed scholarly theory. Advocates openly lie about what it is and what it is not. It is no different that any other racist ideology or viewpoint promoted by hate groups and racial supremists. It is being used to divide Americans based on race, class and religious belief.
Dressing up hate and redefining it will not change what it actually is, bigotry. There must be one standard for all people or there is no standard at all.
The difference between right and wrong is not a complicated theory for a rational prudent person. Thus an abstract discussion of CRT is one thing but promoting the tenants of CRT in the classroom or workplace would violate the law under the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and various civil rights laws. Critical Race Theory is the end product of a evolving ideology known as Communism. In Karl Marx's Critique of Ideology, he asserts that systems such as capitalism perpetuate a false belief that workers created the system by their hard work when in fact an oppressive society forced the system upon the workers.