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Austria Sex Guide advises where to find sex , working girls , prostitution , street hookers , brothels , red-light districts , sex shops , prostitutes , erotic massage parlors , strip clubs and escorts in Austria. This is an example of regulated prostitution. Prostitution is legal but restricted by several regulations. Most prostitutes are migrants, mainly from the former Eastern Bloc countries.
Perhaps surprisingly for a rather conservative nation, Austria's attitude towards nudity is one of the most relaxed in Europe. The display of full nudity in the mainstream media and advertising can be a shock for many visitors, especially those from outside Europe.
It is not uncommon for women to bathe topless in beaches and recreational areas in summer. According to a study, 78 percent of the prostitutes in Austria are not Austrian women and are from foreign countries. It is estimated that in Austria there are 10, legal and illegal prostitutes. In Vienna alone are reported. The total number of legal prostitutes in Austria has been rising every year sex workers , sex workers and Big reason for this is the free movement inside the EU countries.
Most of the prostitution in Austria is based in Wien , where you can find many brothels , erotic massage salons and independent escorts. There are also big brothels near the borders of Austria and the nearby countries. There are around brothels to choose from in Austria , with many famous whore houses such as Claudius Caesar, Maxim and Peepshow Carisma. Vienna is definitely the best Sex tourism destination in Austria when it comes to the brothels and other sex related institutes.