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To make a start: Just like in most other provinces of Austria, prostitution is legal but regulated in Salzburg , for both, clients and prostitutes. Therefore, there is little or no need to "cover" prostitution as escort services or night clubs - this explains why you will find brothels at quite a number of spots in Salzburg.
However, there is a rule that brothels are not supposed to be run within a radius of metres to a public zone such as schools, hospitals, army camps, playgrounds or religious buildings such as churches or synagogues. Escort girls and prostitutes in Salzburg are registered, pay tax and have to attend biweekly health checks.
Not the best part of the town, anyway. To protect women from illegal trade - an issue often affecting Southeast-Asian and Eastern-European women that are brought to Austria in the prospect of a waitress-job and then forced into prostitution - brothels are frequently controlled by the police "Bundespolizeidirektion" as well as "Polizei".
The legal age for prostitution in Salzburg is 19 years , which is lower for strippers and escort girls. They often change landlords and names, but taxi drivers will recognise them. The "Hotel Pascha" is considered to be a high-end night club and brothel. For those who like tradition, the "Mainson de Plaisir" in the Steingasse will be of interest; it is said to be a brothel since the time of Mozart.