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On these pages you will find a range of resources relating to the policy and practice of women in the criminal justice system. We welcome publication of the review, but success must be measured by the impact on women in prison.
We have produced a range of local resources to help inform understanding of local trends in the use of imprisonment for women in England and Wales. These resources are intended to encourage informed debate about the operation of the criminal justice system at a local level and the steps all decision-makers can take to reduce re-offending, protect the public and improve outcomes for women in their area.
Click here to explore the resources. Throughout the Transforming Lives programme, we worked with partner organisations to provide a platform for the voices of women with lived experience of the criminal justice system. Read our press release here , and the Twitter roundup of the event here. Over women engaged, as well as children with experience of maternal imprisonment.
Their comments and stories are included in our publications and form an essential part of our advocacy. Find out more about our collaboration with women with lived experience of the criminal justice system. If you would like to know more about our work on women in the criminal justice system we would love to hear from you. By email: womensprogramme prisonreformtrust. If you know of someone in prison in need of advice and information, please take a look at our resources and details on how they can contact our helpline.