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A Stated Meeting of the Society was held at No. On taking the chair, the President delivered the following address:. In opening the first session of the new year, gentlemen, I can assure you that the position to which you have called me is one the opportunities and honor of which I deeply appreciate. I am sensible of the compliment conveyed in your selection, and I know that I am sure of your co-operation in my attempt to meet the obligations of the office.
The Society of which we are members, when compared with similar historical societies in this country, is a very young organization, yet we have reached the middle of our second decade. Although our membership is limited to one hundred associates, there stand on our membership roll nearly one hundred and fifty names, one-third of whom have already ended their earthly labors, thus showing that the Society in its fifteen years of activity has represented to a considerable extent the maturity of the community.
The work of the Society is shown in the seven valuable volumes already published, and these are a contribution to the history of the colony that not only justifies the hopes of the founders of the Society but will serve always to keep alive the enthusiasm of those who are to follow us. The study of history has always interested mankind, for not only have we craved the answer to our natural curiosity but, just as in the material sciences we are enabled only by the observation of repeated phenomena to forecast the results of a new combination of forces, so, in the realm of human activity, we are dependent upon the experience of the past in forming judgments regarding the wisdom of new policies.
But history, if it is to be of service, must be founded on clear observation and accurate knowledge, and here is found the field of usefulness of such a society as ours in the search for the data and the collection of the evidence that shall enable us to determine the flow of events and the causes of results. Whatever may be the influence of Massachusetts in the present or in the future, there can be no question in our minds as to her position in the past.