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The stories have been very fully annotated, and nothing that seemed to offer any real difficulty has been passed over. All proper names have been explained, with the exception of a few too well known or too insignificant to justify comment.
By frequent reviews and by oral drill in translating the idioms from either language to the other, with changes of person, tense, etc. In studying the commentary the student should underline in the text the idiomatic expressions here indicated, including those to which he is referred back in the Reviews. As irregular verb-forms are introduced with special frequency, it would be well to keep the list of irregular verbs at hand for reference.
The italicized words are those that are especially idiomatic. The vocabulary, while registering all the words in the text, except such as are nearly or quite identical, does not aim at giving, without any labor of adaptation on the part of the student, the precise equivalent required.
The stories are complete, except for a few trifling omissions dictated by class-room proprieties. Acknowledgment is gratefully made for a number of welcome suggestions due to my esteemed colleague Mr. The gender has not been indicated for nouns ending in o which are masculine, nor for those in a which are feminine, nor for those nouns whose gender is inherent. The feminine ending in a has not been indicated for adjectives ending in o. In other cases the feminine has been indicated except in invariable adjectives.