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To browse Academia. Fereidoun Biglari. Jaubert, F. Biglari, V. Mourre, L. Bruxelles, J. Bordes, S. Shidrang, R. Mashkour, B. Maureille, J. Mallye, Y. Quinif, W. Over the last three decades, fresh investigations on the paleolithic period by Iranian and joint expeditions have produced a large number of research papers and field reports that offer much new information.
The time seems ripe to publish a collection of papers on recent paleolithic research in Iran. A section in the inaugural issue of the Journal is therefore devoted to this topic. While the following papers may not cover the full range of fresh paleolithic studies in Iran, they do offer a glimpse of what is currently taking place at various parts of the country.
We hope to have more contributions on this topic in the forthcoming issues of the Journal in order to facilitate access to the results of paleolithic research to archaeologists outside Iran. The present group of papers which draw upon both recent field research, and analyses of previously excavated collections, cover a wide geographical and chronological range, from the northern coast of the Persian Gulf to the shore of the Caspian Sea, and from the Lower Paleolithic to the Epipaleolithic period Fig.
Most of the papers in this issue illustrate the efforts of the young generation of Iranian archaeologists who are actively engaged in studying the paleolithic prehistory of their country. Bounded in the north and south by the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf respectively, Iran is a natural bridge connecting southwestern Asia to southern and central Asia and therefore could have been a main route for hominin expansion eastwards.