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To browse Academia. Marla Toyne. Inge R Schjellerup. Silvia Rodriguez-Sama de Kembel. My research presents a new methodology for studying the complexity of monumental architecture. Early construction of high-volume structures containing gallery patios and elaborate galleries shifted, in the final monumental construction stage, to construction of lower-volume structures containing standardized galleries and all known plazas. This pattern suggests a shift towards activities that required large, decorated external spaces, rather than elaborate internal spaces associated with small patios.
Staircase symmetry and significant modifications to earlier constructions characterize all stages. Highland architectural forms were constructed early and later incorporated with coastal architectural forms. Key areas previously thought to be early were built in the final monumental construction stage; these include the Ofrendas Gallery and the Circular Plaza.
Dates from associated radiocarbon samples suggest monumental construction was nearing completion by approximately v B. Ofrendas ceramics are associated with this final monumental stage. Evidence of structural destabilization exists by approximately B. Rafael Segura LLanos. Anna Guengerich. Julia Burtenshaw-Zumstein. This thesis presents a typology for Formative Period ceramic styles from the Jequetepeque and adjacent valleys. Other stylistic labels have also been applied notably Chongoyape and Tembladera but a lack of definition means that the use of these terms remains contradictory.
Few attempts have been made to systematically consider let alone classify the artistic diversity of Formative Period North Peruvian ceramics. The first point raised in the course of this research is that not all these ceramics should be grouped under one monolithic label.