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To browse Academia. Michael Kalichman. Summary Here we present a synopsis of teaching responsible conduct of research RCR to trainees in biomedical sciences, summarize the origins of the still evolving definition of RCR and provide an introduction to the goals, content, and strategies for teaching RCR.
These should be particularly useful for those contemplating changes in existing RCR courses or the creation of new ones. Marshal Porterfield , Gail Bingham. Mahmoud M.
The current study intended to genetically analyze the full length genome of the HBoV-1 of recently detected Egyptian strains. Seven overlapping sets of primers were developed to amplify a nearly complete HBoV-1 genome from the clinical samples. Sequencing was conducted using the same sets of primers. HBoV-1 virus strains were genetically analysed based on the sequences of their complete genomes and the individual open reading frames. The new sets of primers successfully amplified the three tested strains.
Sequence analysis of the full-length genome of the HBoV-1 revealed a considerable level of genetic heterogenicity between different strains. Jose Pizarro. Conference proceedings Annual Conference. Hamid Gholamhosseini. This paper investigates the enhancement of the sensitivity and adsorption efficiency of a localized surface plasmon resonance LSPR biosensor that includes a layer of graphene sheet on top of the gold layer. For this purpose, biomolecular interactions of biotin-streptavidin with the graphene layer on the gold thin film are monitored.