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Find out the most common reasons kids throw up, how to help your child feel better when they're vomiting, and when to call the doctor. It's not pretty, but it's usually normal. Toddlers and young children throw up for a variety of reasons — illness, stress, eating too much, crying fits, and taking medicine on an empty stomach, for example.
You may be able to easily tell why your child is vomiting — but not always. Although vomiting usually isn't serious, you'll want to do what you can to help your child feel better and get the care they need.
In some cases, you'll need to see a doctor or rarely seek emergency help. Some vitamins such as iron , and some medications such as certain antibiotics, antivirals, and anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen may cause your child to throw up.
If the medicine can be taken with food, try giving it with a meal or snack. If that doesn't help, talk with your child's doctor to see if there's another medication they can take instead. A crying spell or tantrum can trigger the gag reflex and make your child vomit. Although this can be upsetting for both of you, throwing up during crying won't physically harm your child. If they appear healthy otherwise, there's no reason to be concerned. If your child eats too much at once — especially in a hurry — they may throw up.