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Only trust our official website and our approved Global Network of Partners. What do you do if someone is threatening to share your intimate images? Create Your Case You are not alone Are you worried someone might share your intimate images online?
Has this already happened to you? Founded in , the Revenge Porn Helpline RPH has supported thousands of victims of non-consensual intimate image abuse. Image hashing is the process of using an algorithm to assign a unique hash value to an image. Duplicate copies of the image all have the exact same hash value. Learn more about the tool and participating companies.
Founded in , SWGfL works with a number of partners and stakeholders around the world to protect everyone online. The Revenge Porn Helpline RPH — established in — has supported thousands of victims of non-consensual intimate image abuse. Remember, everything you are feeling is valid.
You are a victim of abuse. We protect your privacy The tool works by creating hashes digital fingerprints of your selected images directly on your device.