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E-mail: info dizzw. Bei Nachdrucken muss die Zeitschrift zitiert werden. In case of materials reprinting - link to journal is re- quired. Das Material wird im eigenen Wortlaut des Autors Materials are publishing in author's edition. Daghelishvili N. Taktakishvili T. Ismayilli F. Mammadova T.
Aliev C. Dubliany, Str. Vladimir the Great, 1 DOI: It is shown that a sowing rate of , seeds per hectare resulted in the highest soybean grain yield and the greatest output of nutrients compared to sowing rates of , and 1,, seeds per hectare. Bublyk L. Lisovyi, Ed. Kyiv: Urozhai, Ermantraut E. Agrobiological substantia- tion of methods of increasing yield and improving the quality of fodder crops in the farms of the Western For- est-Steppe of Ukraine with crop rotations saturated.
Kyiv, Formation of soybean productiv- 5. Yeshchenko V. General agriculture. Kyiv: ity depending on sowing methods, plant density and Vyshcha shkola, Kamianets- 6. Zabolotnij G. Improving the element of Podilskyi, Mihajlov V. Physiological rea- steppe of Ukraine and increasing the efficiency of its sons for the fall of beans in soybeans. Naukovo- processing: avtoref. Niezaliezhnasci, 4 DOI: The analysis of the indicators necessary for calculating the model, such as the share of member states in total foreign trade turnover, mutual investments in total investment, GDP by PPP per capita, current account balance of the balance of pay- ments, GDP growth rate, inflation and public debt were made.
Keywords: integration association, the EAEU, DEA, efficiency assessment, sustainability of economic de- velopment, degree of integration, integration effects. Eurasian economic commission.