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Adventurous Kate contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you. When I decided to travel to Albania in the summer, it was the country I was most looking forward to visiting.
It fit my dreams — home to a fascinating culture and some of the most beautiful beaches in Europe, yet a bit of an underdog. But the biggest factor was meeting two lovely Albanian girls who became good friends of mine.
Erisa and Bianka joined my second Central America tour. Both of them immigrated from Albania to the US when they were teenagers and both go back to visit often.
Soon our tour days were filled with stories and anecdotes from Albania, and learning from Erisa and Bianka allowed me to get to know a culture that most people only know from watching Taken. Side note: Erisa was watching Taken in the theater and suddenly let out a scream. One of the Albanian mobsters in the kitchen scene was played by a friend of hers.