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The session of the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy began shortly after , with the sole agenda item being the introduction of same-sex marriage. In recent times, statements from a significant portion of the Metropolitans primarily concerned this issue, with the Hierarchs expressing their personal views, emphasizing that this specific legislation would disrupt the fundamental core of society, the family.
The Church of Greece had issued a circular just before the Christmas holidays expressing its opposition to marriage between same-sex couples and the adoption of children by such couples. Following the announcements by the Prime Minister and the leak of the meeting between Archbishop Ieronymos and K. Mitsotakis, pressures increased for the need to convene the Hierarchy. After the customary prayer, the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece listened to the presentation by Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki, followed by a dialogue.
The Synod unanimously expresses the positions of the Church of Greece on the matter, as follows:. The theology of the Church regarding marriage derives from the Holy Scripture, the teachings of the Fathers of the Church, and the arrangement of the Mystery of Marriage, clearly evident in the Rite of this Mystery.
The purpose of Christian marriage is the creation of a good marital union and family, the development of children as the fruits of the love of the two spouses in Christ, and their connection to the ecclesiastical life. Obviously, the State legislates, but this parameter neither deprives the Church of its freedom of speech nor exempts the Church from the duty to inform the faithful people, nor can it indicate to the Church what constitutes sin.