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Vice President, Rory Marshall called the meeting to order at 10 a. Rory welcomed everyone. Legal : Scott let us know that we have no pending legal issues. Nadine reported for Financial and Collection that we are continuing to work with our legal counsel to find a method to settle many of our long standing delinquent accounts. Our new computer system will be able to automatically notify residents with delinquent balances and add late fees.
Scott reported for Lake Management that we are looking into an algae monitoring system that will allow us to pinpoint the optimal time to treat the lake. We are continuing to evaluate use of a peroxide based treatment to work with the copper based treatments we have previously used. The copper levels are very low but we want to avoid continued use without at least alternating with another product.
The peroxide treatments are more expensive and potentially will not last as long, but may be tried on a trial basis.
We are also looking into use of solar powered ultrasonic buoys to determine the potential cost and effects. Lake Safety : Rory reported that our committee has been working on revising and clarifying our lake boating regulations.