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This article describes the May Measurement Month MMM campaign, which was the fourth time this annual hypertension screening campaign was conducted in Albania, a Mediterranean country in southeastern Europe. The MMM21 was conducted during the period of 28 September—30 November , in 32 sites across several districts of Albania. Self-reported data included pre-existing conditions, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, COVID testing, and use of contraception in women.
Overall, Of those with hypertension, About half On average, BP was higher in those on antihypertensive medication and with increasing alcohol intake but lower in those with a history of stroke and those with higher levels of physical activity, previous positive COVID test, and contraception use in women. In Albania, the MMM campaign continues to contribute to the early detection of hypertension among adults.
Hence, it constitutes a valuable opportunistic screening instrument among other routine tools applied in the general Albanian population. Albania joined the May Measurement Month MMM initiative for the first time in and subsequently participated in the and campaigns. This article describes the MMM campaign, which was the fourth time this annual hypertension screening campaign was conducted in Albania, a Mediterranean country in southeastern Europe.
Overall, there were 52 investigators involved in the MMM campaign conducted in Albania in , who were health promotion specialists working at local healthcare units from all sites included in the campaign, as well as some public health specialists from the National Institute of Public Health. All investigators were trained on 22 September By the end of September , the online questionnaire was piloted in all screening sites prior to the screening implementation which started on 28 September , to coincide with World Heart Day.