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There are times, but especially in certain photos and poses, like this recently posted one:. But… a Nole just like in this picture… thinner and more beaten-up by life, more sunburned and less suntanned, was a face you saw on every construction site in Athens for more than a decade. The Northern Suburbs are a state of mind. What will come out of the present Crisis is yet to be seen; it may be an opportunity. Anyway, today I was at the gym and this kid asked me for a spot.
We started talking. He asked where I was from. I said New York. It was nice. Just some thoughts. Worlds and peoples coming together. The waste of having been separated to begin with. Comment: nikobakos gmail. Greek use is tainted by irredentist ideas. Me, I'm Nicholas Bakos, a.
I'm from New York. I live all over the place these days. The rest should become obvious from the blog. Please contact me with comments, questions, complaints or -- please -- corrections at: nikobakos gmail.
Balkans, Anatolia, Caucasus, Levant and other Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, South Asia, occasional forays into southern Italy, Spain or eastern Europe, minorities, the nation-state and nationalism — and whatever other quirks or obsessions lurk inside my head. Jadde: from Bosnia to Bengal. Maybe we all look Albanian?