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To browse Academia. Jonathan Jarrett. Elsa Cardoso. The purpose of this paper is to discuss which political motivations brought together the Umayyads of al-Andalus and Byzantium, considering the Mediterranean of the tenth century.
As political motivations are not stated clearly in sources that account these exchanges, the main question of this essay is to understand mutual interests shared by both powers.
Thus, which political circumstances would provide the motivation for such intense diplomatic exchanges and alliance between the Byzantine Empire and the peripheral westernmost power of the Mediterranean Sea? Exchanges between Byzantium and the Umayyads of al-Andalus in the tenth century are not unprecedented. However, the political situation of Byzantium and the Mediterranean in the tenth century was not the same as under the second Amorian emperor.
Crete was conquered circa by a group of Andalusis, expelled from al-Andalus. From Crete, it was possible to control the trade between the Mediterranean and the Aegean Seas, which allowed the Andalusis, at some point, to enter the Propontis Sea nowadays Marmara Sea. Thus, what political background could have allowed the renewal of an alliance between the Byzantines and the Umayyads of Cordoba in the tenth century? Especially, as both powers were established in opposite ends of the Mediterranean and had coexisted in such space more than a century without any known official political contacts.