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And if he shows our life truthfully he cannot fail to show it moving to socialism. This is, and will be, Socialist Realism. Not just writers. There are two problems in my view with the gallery, though. Robert very kindly invited the Smyths to a private viewing of The Abyss , and talked about the history of the painting, and the effort he put in to accurately capturing the smallest details.
The time we spent with him drove home how precarious was the position of an artist under totalitarian regimes. When he began work on the painting in the late s, he was an army officer from a devoted Communist family, and a True Believer. But I had a brother who was a pilot, and he was punished under the propaganda law. The gun Enver holds was one the British gave him. Robert visited the villages that had sheltered Davies and Hoxha, searched the heavily doctored, naturally Albanian state archives, sketched landscapes, spoke to locals.
And he also spoke to one man who had been with the British throughout…. A highly implausible scenario, knowing how bloody-minded and dedicated to his duty Davies was. A key point of interest is the portrayal of Davies himself. The regime gave Robert a photograph taken of Davies, in British battle dress, during his stint in Albania, which you can see below.
The photograph given to Robert Permeti when he was researching The Abyss, purportedly of Brigadier Davies but a better match for an ancient Winston Churchill. In fact it looks more like an aged Churchill. Wearing the wings indicated you had parachuted in action, not just in training. Well worth wearing, then. The second Briton in the picture is Corporal Jim Smith.