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To browse Academia. Istoria statelor din Peninsula Scandinava. Nu sunt coautor. Finn-Einar Eliassen. Gunilla Tegengren. Birgit I L Sawyer. John's , pp. Walter Pohl, Wien , s. Stefan Brink. Nils Hybel. Identities in transition.
Lars Larsson. Based on information and interpretations presented in this volume, this article contributes some views and comments from a southern Scandinavian perspective.
This includes a brief history of the physical conditions and the mental barriers which had the effect that research on the Mesolithic in eastern Sweden did not really get under way until the s. The text discusses the localization of the Motala site and the conditions for social structures of special character, linked to the immediate surroundings. The finds and the time of settlement are also considered from a southern Scandinavian perspective.
Peter H. Sawyer , Birgit I L Sawyer. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up.