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Article: How long to tan in the sun. Most people tan within 1 to 2 hours, but factors like skin type, weather conditions, and the time of day will play a role. Burns and color may take time to develop, so don't assume you're not tanning if you don't see immediate results. Remember, tanning poses risks for skin damage and other complications like sun poisoning and skin cancer.
Always use proper sunscreen or at least tanning oil with some SPF. Quick links :. Why are safe tanning practices important? You should practice safe tanning because any amount of ultraviolet UV exposure damages your skin over time. While some tanning can boost vitamin D levels or give your skin that sun-kissed glow, extensive exposure, and sun damage accelerates skin aging and increases cancer risk.
Proper precautions make tanning safer short-term and long-term. Smart tanning means you:. Learn about the signs and symptoms of melanoma and get annual screenings to ensure early detection if issues arise. Spotting unusual changes promptly makes treatment more successful. Moderate tanning with preventive measures reduces the hazard without eliminating it fully. Prioritizing safe tanning practices protects your skin and natural appearance for years to come.
When you choose to tan, keep yourself safe from excessive UV light exposure to reduce the risk of any kind of skin damage. The Fitzpatrick scale categorizes skin into six phototypes based on melanin levels skin color. Those with Type I and II skin need to be highly cautious in the sun. Avoid prolonged exposure and apply sunscreen vigilantly. People on the other end of the scale with Type V-VI skin can spend reasonable unprotected time in the sun without burning due to innate melanin protection.