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To browse Academia. Jim Harries. Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: I was struck by the contents of a sermon in at a church in Kenya. It was presented in the Luo language and translated into Swahili. The categories being employed by the speaker were, in terms of Western language s , especially English, incongruous. This is despite their apparently tallying with four very ordinary English words; money, hope, fear, and love.
Correct comprehension of what was being said required me to draw on learning I had achieved impressionistically, i. I could not easily quantify or even outline these insights, that certainly had no objective origins. Chapter 3. This short chapter imagines Africans as dairy farmers and Westerners as sheep farmers. Contrasting two different husbandry practices clarifies differences that may be less clear-cut between cultures.
Thus the folly of the use of one language across cultural difference, i. Chapter 4. This chapter proposes profound implications arising from consideration of this, arguably, contextual difference between Western and non-Western Englishes. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.
Chapter 7. A general invisibility of translation has, in recent decades, popularized the incorrect assumption that profound bodies of interconnected knowledge that affect the whole of life, can simply be transferred wholesale from one language to another.