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Country: Angola Duration: Mar. Distance Traveled in the Country: Approx. Most Memorable Impressions: A country that we will never forget. It took all our strength, willpower and mental state to make it through.
We thought we were prepared, but the real Africa caught up with us. Tourism is non-existing. The roads are bad, but for the most part passable. The rainy season from August to May means torrential rains every day. The people reserved, but curious. Villages and towns once lined with colorful Portuguese houses are dilapidating and turning into ghost towns.
We told ourselves, if we would make it out of here we would make it any where. It is a busy border with lots of traffic, people and illegal smuggling. I stay with the motorcycles while Mike goes off in search of the immigration office.
We say good-bye to English and Bom Dias to Portuguese. The passports receive an entry stamp and we are advised that the motorcycles do not require any paperwork. The first km from Oshikango is paved, then the road is mainly under construction until it deteriorates into a trail, with huge mud water holes. Evidence of the recent war are still visible everywhere. Abandoned tanks and other military equipment are left to waste away on the side of the road.